Most children still look forward to the first day of school: After all, it is very exciting and thrilling to enter the classroom for the first time with the school bag filled with sweets and to get to know the new classmates. Even the first homework assignment is often still done joyfully.
For the family, too, it is a special event when the child starts school, because after all, that is where he or she will spend the next, formative years. Grandma and Grandpa, but also friends and relatives, often present the ABC student with small congratulations on starting school.
Suitable motifs for a friendly first-day-of-school card include current photos of the i-dozen, school motifs such as a chalkboard, pens and desk, balloons, cute animal motifs - and of course school cones in all sizes, designs and colors. Popular boy and girl motifs such as pirates, knights and astronauts or princesses, horses and dolls are also a good choice for your congratulations on starting school.
Personalization of congratulations
Nice congratulations on the first day of school show the newly minted first grader that he is something very special. Those who start school already feel quite big and "grown up" - the children's pride can be supported with encouraging words.
Any worries and fears can also be addressed in the congratulations in a reassuring and encouraging way. Ultimately, the new students should not only cram, but also have fun and make great friends. The greetings are written legibly in large letters on the greeting card.
The salutation
Congratulations are usually accompanied by a salutation, this introductory line can be designed as follows:
Dear Max, ...
Dear ABC shooter, ...
Hello school starter, ...
Hello dear i-dozen, ...
My dear Steffi, ...
My dear grandson, ...
My dear godchild, ...
Dear grandchild and first day of school, ...
Congratulations for school enrollment
Poems for school enrollment
Poems can introduce and frame the congratulations and greetings.