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Congratulations birthday

Happy Birthday Bild

Among family members and good friends, wishing a happy birthday is almost a must. Every birthday gift should be presented with a few sensitive words in a birthday card. Who would like to present quite personal congratulations, can respond to the past year of the birthday child, for example: "After your recovery, I wish you ..." or "After your passed exam, I would like to congratulate you now also very warmly on your birthday!". However, the congratulations can also be used to look to the future: "I wish you all the best for your birthday today and good luck with your school-leaving exam." On this page you will also find tips on how to design the birthday card, then on subsequent pages there are sayings and poems for the birthday. These can introduce or frame your congratulations.

The greeting card

Congratulations are usually delivered in a birthday card. When buying the card, you should make sure that you meet the taste of the birthday boy. The greeting card can be funny and original. But there are also plain cards, for example, for superiors. If you have a talent for handicrafts, you can design the birthday card yourself. The congratulations are decorated with ornaments from the craft store, a photo or with your own drawing. A noble touch gets the greeting card with parchment, clay paper or straw silk, these are wonderful types of paper for the greeting card. If you do not want to write the congratulations directly on the card, you are welcome to use a separate insert sheet.

Personalization of congratulations

When congratulating birthday, you should convey fun and joy. For example, the greeting card can be decorated with a funny saying or poem. The congratulations or birthday sayings or birthday poems should be written by hand, this is in any case more personal than a pre-made card. In the case of superiors and more extensive acquaintances, it is recommended not to use too crude sayings.

The salutation

Depending on the level of recognition, the salutation can be very personal or yet a bit more formal, here are some examples:
  • Dear Karin...
  • Dearest Paul...
  • Dear birthday girl...
  • Dear jubilarian...
  • Dear new fifties...
  • Hello my darling...
  • Hi darling...
  • Hello old geezer...
  • Dear Sir...

Congratulations birthday

Below you will find congratulations with which you can congratulate on the birthday:

Congratulations on your birthday!

All the best and happy birthday wishes you ...

Exciting and many beautiful things we wish you for your xxth birthday ...

I wish you the very best for your birthday, stay as you are!

I wish you all the best and love for your birthday. The warmest greetings from ...

I would like to greet you and wish you all the best for your birthday.

Happy Birthday! The warmest congratulations on your birthday sends you ...

For your birthday I send you a thousand kisses! Congratulations from ...

A thousand birthday greetings and best wishes from ...

For the BIGGEST treasure in the world the best birthday greetings, all the love from ...

I wish you only the best and a beautiful, unforgettable birthday.

Love, happiness and everlasting cheerfulness wishes you on your birthday ...

I wish you for your birthday much love, happiness, health and joy.

Health, joy and success on your birthday wishes ...

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you all the happiness in the world, your ...

Best wishes for your jubilee and much joy ...

I wish you all the best for the new year of your life.

Your new year of life should bring you much happiness and joy, this wishes you ...

For the new year of your life I wish you much happiness, success, health and cheerfulness.

My birthday wish: all your dreams shall come true!

I wish you a colorful firework of wonderful experiences for the next year.

I wish you joy, happiness, contentment and much momentum for the new year of your life.

High you shall live, high you shall live, 3 x high. Congratulations on your
birthday from ...

Dear Paul, I send you 1000 kisses and a happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! May your days be filled with sunshine and happiness in the coming year as well.

I wish you all the best for your birthday. Health and joy may also be your companions in the new year. The very best congratulations ...

Dear Sabine, I would like to congratulate you on this special day. I wish you good luck, success and health for the coming year.

Dear Karola, the new year of your life should bring you only carefree days! Happy birthday from ...

For your birthday today I wish you the very best. May all your dreams come true! Congratulations from ...

I wish you a happy time for the coming year, with many great surprises and experiences. Congratulations from ...

I wish you from my heart that all your dreams come true. The warmest birthday wishes from ...

Dear birthday girl! We wish you a new year of life full of joy, happiness, health and lightness.

We wish you that the new year of your life brings only beautiful moments. Best wishes for your birthday from ...

On this special day, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to you. I hope we will have a little more time for coffee rounds together in the coming year. Your girlfriend ...

On your special day I would like to send you my best wishes for the future: Health, joy and time shall constantly accompany you in the new year of your life. The warmest birthday wishes from ...

I wish you a cloudless sky, the scent of the most beautiful flower, a song, a laugh, a dream that comes true - just everything that gives you joy and makes you happy all around.

Hello Klaus, your new year of life shall be crowned with happiness and success - stay as cheerful as you are today! The warmest birthday wishes from ...

For your birthday I wish you:


Congratulations on your xx birthday!

Birthday Congratulations Wording Templates

Dear Karin!

I wish you only the best and a beautiful, unforgettable birthday.

Love greetings

Your Paul

Happy Birthday, dear Paul!

The warmest congratulations on your birthday sends you

Julia and Horst

Birthday sayings and birthday poems

In addition to the classic congratulations, birthday cards can also include sayings and poems. On the next pages there are templates and texts for this - your birthday wishes will become a personal greeting.