A greeting card can contain not only the congratulations on the 40th birthday, but also be embellished with a small poem or a suitable saying.
On this page you will find funny but also romantic birthday poems and birthday sayings. Sometimes it is possible to convert the poems or sayings on the birthday child, so they become more personal.
If you are creative, you can put your own creations on paper, these are then particularly sensitive or funny, because the sayings or poems were made suitable for the birthday child.
Birthday sayings for 40th birthday
The sayings, quotes or wisdom can come from prominent personalities. Birthday sayings can also be profound or just funny, but they should definitely fit the birthday boy or girl.
Birthday poems for 40th birthday
Here you will find birthday poems for the 40th birthday. If you want to write a poem yourself, you can get ideas here.
Congratulations 40th birthday
All birthday sayings and birthday poems should conclude with personal congratulations for the coming year. On the next page we have listed congratulations for 40th birthday.