Greeting card design You can make a greeting card yourself or buy it in a stationery store or gift store. The card should fit the birthday boy or girl, there are funny, serious or religious greeting cards. Please choose the card wisely, especially if you are not close friends with the celebrant.
Basically, you should write the congratulations by hand, this is personal and also shows that you have put some effort into the congratulations.
Salutation in a greeting card for 30th birthday As with all greeting cards, the form of address for congratulations on the 30th birthday also depends on the relationship you have with the celebrant.
If you would like to congratulate a business partner or your superior, you should certainly choose the following introduction: "Dear Mr..." or "Dear Mrs...".
With friends, the salutation can of course be more casual, such as "Hello Daniel" or "Hi dude". For lovers, it would probably be: "Hello darling" or "My dear sweetheart".
I wish you all the best for your 30th birthday, stay as you are. Warm greetings ...
What you need today is a good dose of humor. I sincerely wish you that for your 30th birthday!
For your 30th birthday we would like to wish you all the best. Happiness and cheerfulness shall accompany you all your life.
Intelligent, funny, charming and sexy - you really have it. Congratulations on your 30th birthday.
I wish you all the happiness in the world. The warmest congratulations on your 30th birthday from your / your ...
Best wishes for your 30th birthday and lots of happiness, joy and health from your friends ...
I congratulate you on your 30th birthday and wish you all the best and all the love for the coming year.
Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best for your 30th birthday, lots of love and a backpack full of laughter and sunshine. Best wishes for your anniversary from ...
If 30 also has an unpleasant aftertaste for you, just celebrate your birthday without a number! Let it go you so really well. Congratulations on your birthday!
You are only old when you stop dreaming! Therefore, I wish you for your 30th birthday that some dreams come true and many more can grow.
Do not be afraid of 30, because it is just a number. Always stay as you are, because that's how you are best! Very best wishes for your 30th birthday, your ...
All the best for your 30th birthday. For the future we wish you health, many moments of happiness and real friends.
For your 30th birthday I wish you only the very best and good luck for the coming year. The best wishes for your anniversary from ...
Happy 30th birthday to you. I wish you on this special day that all your wishes and dreams will come true for you.
Don't whine about the past 20s.... - rather say to yourself "Now more than ever!" I wish you all the best for your 30th birthday!
We congratulate you on your 30th birthday. May much love, happiness, joy and especially health accompany you in the coming year. That and much more wish you ...
Even Snoopy said, "We cool ones don't get old, we mellow." (We cool people don't get old, we mellow). All the best and congratulations on your 30th birthday!
You turn 30 today! But you don't have to bury your head in the sand, many a youngster would like to be as fit and cheerful as you old geezer. Cheers, here's to the next 30 years full of vim. Congratulations on your 30th birthday!
Happy 30th birthday, my darling.
I would like to use this special day to tell you that I love you more than anything and never want to be without you again.
Instead of complaining about getting older, be proud that you have already mastered three decades in this world with flying colors! I am proud of you and wish you for your 30th birthday serenity, joy and lots of laughter!
Today you certainly get to hear a lot of comments about your age. So I don't want to say much at all, but just wish you a great day and much success, joy and health in the new year of your life!
The best weapon against aging is the inner child. So be happy, exuberant, crazy, playful and silly today and throughout the new year of your life! I wish you a lot of fun and laughter on your 30th birthday!
The 30th birthday can feel a bit strange... - Just imagine that your youthful freshness is joined by healthy serenity and a little pinch of dignity - then it will be fine! Feel hugged and enjoy your day!
No wrinkles, no gray hair, always fit, never tired, always partying, texting world champion and a stomach that forgives everything - it's all boring! With aging come many new and interesting details in life! Enjoy them and be happy about your 30th birthday. We wish you all the best!
Now you're entering the 30 zone, so drive slowly and carefully! But wait... - fortunately, life is not a ride in a car. Even at 30 you can go full throttle, the main thing is that you always stay in a good mood and healthy! Congratulations on your 30th birthday from ...
If you too are thinking about getting older today, let me tell you that many things of high quality still increase in value as you age (wine, antiques, etc.).... - what is already good can only get better. This is also true for you! In this sense, congratulations on your 30th birthday!
At 30, you are in the prime of your life, healthy, strong and full of energy. At the same time, you have already gained a lot of life experience, so that only little can shock you. An optimal mixture! In this sense, all the best for your 30th birthday!
Congratulations, from today you can officially and legally go to any Ü-30 party! Hm, but you are actually still too young! Fortunately, the 30th year of life still has many other beautiful things in store for you: In any case, a great celebration with good friends and hopefully a lot of happiness, joy and success!
When your 30th birthday comes around, many feel they officially belong to the "old boys club".... - what many don't know, you don't have to join! Therefore, don't worry about getting older, but enjoy life and have a good time, that's all that matters. Congratulations on your birthday from ...
Now don't think that you can start complaining about back problems and other aches and pains, hang up your dancing shoes, play bingo and drink chamomile tea! You are not that far yet! Let's toast to that with you and celebrate a happy, fun and unique 30th birthday! The warmest congratulations from ...
Now you have so much experience in celebrating birthdays, you don't have to be afraid of the 30th! Believe me, tomorrow morning you will wake up just as fit and bouncy as today. Unless you celebrate too much, but such a hangover will pass even at 30 - so let it rip! Many dear birthday greetings ...
The 30th birthday is not an invitation to complain, but to celebrate! Hey, finally another round birthday! Take mocking comments as an opportunity to laugh at yourself and practice repartee. Life still holds many surprises and challenges for over-30s! I wish you a wonderful day with many joyful surprises and dear people!
Up until the 29th, every birthday is greeted with cries of jubilation.... - but then comes the 30th and suddenly you are confronted with supposedly funny sayings and affectionate mockery. Let me tell you, everyone has to go through it and it never hurt anyone. One of the most important qualities in life is to be able to laugh at yourself. So laugh heartily and stay as you are! Congratulations on your 30th birthday.
When school and training have been completed, a steady job has been found and the income is reasonably fixed, when the first steps towards having a family are planned or have already been taken, then stability slowly comes into life. But by no means boredom! Now that life is getting a little quieter, it's up to you to provide spontaneity, new adventures and exciting experiences! Enjoy this time, because it is the platform from which you can reach for the stars. Even at the age of 30! Congratulations and an exciting new decade of life!
Congratulations Wording Templates
I wish you all the best for your 30th birthday, lots of love and a backpack full of laughter and sunshine.
The warmest congratulations on your anniversary from
Your Hanna
Hello Daniela,
for your 30th birthday we wish you only the very best and good luck for the coming year.
Tina and Arnold
Proverbs and poems for 30th birthday In addition to congratulations, at you will also find texts for birthday sayings and birthday poems. The sayings and poems can frame or introduce your congratulations.