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Engagement sayings

Heart with bears in blue jeans

For the engagement there are sensual or funny sayings. Your greeting card will be different from others and will be remembered forever by the engaged couple. We have collected for you a wide selection of original sayings for engagement. You are sure to find the right saying, verse or wisdom for the design of the engagement wishes, there is something for everyone. When choosing the saying, you can perhaps pay attention to whether the fiancée wants to start a family very soon or whether the two simply want to swear fidelity for a long time and it comes later to a wedding. In any case, it is very romantic when at the engagement the commonality of the couple is announced to the world and when on this special day it is certain: We never want to part!

Templates for Congratulations with a Saying

Dear Daniela, dear Stefan!

"A drop of love is worth more than a bag of gold."

Friedrich von Bodelschwingh

Stay in love all your life, that's what you wish for

Julia and Horst

Dear Laura, dear Ralf!

"The noblest thing about love is trusting each other."

Julius Grosse

On your engagement and for your life together we wish you much happiness and God's rich blessing.

Your neighbors

Johanna and Max

Engagement Proverbs, Wisdoms and Quotes

Here you will find romantic and contemplative engagement sayings from famous personalities. Each saying is perfect for the introduction in a greeting card or for a speech.

One sees well only with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes.

We are all angels with one wing. We must embrace each other if we are to fly.

For only he is rich who is loved and allowed to love.

A drop of love is worth more than a bag of gold.

Alone, man is an imperfect thing. He must find a second to be happy.

Give your love space, let the winds of heaven dance between you.

Love is the only thing that grows by wasting it.

Love alone understands the secret of giving to others and becoming rich in the process.

Love is the only thing that does not diminish when we waste it.

Love is the fabric that nature has woven and imagination has embroidered.

Time passes - love remains.

Age does not protect from love, but love from aging.

To love a person is to agree to grow old with him.

To be able to find one's joy in the joy of others, that is the secret of happiness.

The most precious thing about love is trust in each other.

Commonalities are the comforts of a relationship, but diversity is the spice.

Only in turning to the You does the I gain its support.

Love is a game that two can play and everyone wins.

He who has ever lived in arms of love can never be impoverished in life.

Love is the desire to give, not to receive.

Soft is stronger than hard, water stronger than rock, love stronger than violence.

The great happiness in love is to find rest in another heart.

There is room in the smallest hut for a happy loving couple.

Let love take root in your heart, and only good can come from it.

Funny engagement sayings

The funny engagement sayings should really only be used in the engagement wishes if you know the engaged couple very well and if they really understand humor.

Many engagements end happily, but most end in marriage.

Anyone heading for the port of marriage would do well to book a harbor tour first.

Bachelors live by the motto: Better two rings under the eyes than one on the finger.

So let him who commits himself forever test himself to see if he can't find something better.

Most women choose their nightgown with more sense than their man.

If a man decides to marry, it may be the last decision he could make for himself.

It's nice when you've found the woman for life.
More beautiful when you know a few more.

It is much easier to die for a beloved woman than to live with her.

As a bachelor, the man is a peacock; as a bridegroom, a lion; and as a married man, a donkey.

Love is the light of life - in marriage comes the electric bill.

The longer you are engaged, the shorter you are married.

No one is so crazy that they can't find someone even crazier who understands them.

You don't believe in rheumatism and true love until you are afflicted by it.

Engagement wishes and poem for engagement celebration

A greeting card should contain a saying as well as a congratulation or a good wish for the future. Very personal and for family, friends and colleagues suitable texts can be found on our page with the Congratulations for the engagement. In addition to a saying, a poem can also act as an introduction with the engagement card. Here, too, helps you with an overview of the most beautiful engagement poems.