What event could be more moving than the birth of a child? In addition to the gift for the baby often write a few lines of congratulations to the new parents. .
When you write the Congratulations on the birth, then you should take time for very special and personal wishes. The congratulations can also include a saying or a poem. In any case, all the best for the future should be mentioned, because the newcomer and parents are facing a whole new stage of life.
Greeting cards you can buy or make yourself. When buying, pay attention to how well you know the parents. Funny cards are suitable for close friends or relatives. Neutral or serious greeting cards are used if you want to congratulate a superior or if you do not know the parents' sense of humor.
With a little skill, you can also make a card yourself. Decorate the whole thing with drawings, photos and little things from the craft store, you have a lot of freedom of design here. As paper you can use parchment, clay paper or straw silk.
Congratulations can be written directly on the card or on an insert sheet.
If you are on a "first-name" basis with the parents, you should also write this in the form of address. For couples who are not close friends, you should stick with the "you".
Here are some formulations for a salutation:
Dear Karin, dear Wolfgang...
Dear parents...
Dear new mom, dear new dad...
Hello you three...
Dear Bauer family...
Dear Mrs. Bauer, dear Mr. Bauer...
Name and possibly sex of the child are unknown
If you do not know exactly what the baby's name is or whether the child is a girl or boy, use paraphrases such as:
Family offspring
New arrival
Family addition
new citizen
little earthling
youngest family member
new family member
Birth congratulations
With these congratulations on the birth you can design your greeting card.
Proverbs and poems for birth
When congratulating the birth of a baby, you can also resort to birth sayings and birth poems. These serve as an introduction in the congratulations card. You can also refer to the verses and quotes, so you can express love, sentiment and warm-heartedness in a poetic form. Enchant with impressive words and thus write a congratulation, which will certainly be kept for a lifetime and which the parents will present to the offspring after years.