After a past year of cooperation, you certainly want to send your business partners and customers a warm Christmas greeting. We have compiled suitable Christmas greetings for you here, which you are welcome to use.
Please also note the following tips for creating a Christmas card, because the shape and appearance are also important. We hope that you will find the appropriate text for your business Christmas greeting and wish in any case:
Merry Christmas!
The Christmas card that you send on business usually has a serious character. It contains motifs such as a Christmas tree, the nativity scene or stars, bells and candles.
But there are also self-designed cards. On them you can find the company logo, a project realized in the last year (e.g. architects, construction companies, etc.), the look and feel of the company or a photo of the staff.
Of course, when sending Christmas cards to customers and business partners, you should focus on quality and perhaps spend a little more money in the purchase, the reputation of each company is thus certainly upgraded a small piece.
Every customer and business partner will understand that in a company or business the Christmas cards are not written by hand. In the case of very special business connections, however, it is recommended that the department management or company management put a handwritten signature under the Christmas greeting.
If it is a special contact, you should perhaps even invest some time and send an individual and self-written greeting for Christmas - you are sure to make an impression.
Advertising or a reference to a special offer or similar should be avoided in a business Christmas card in any case!
Structure of the business Christmas greetings
Take the Christmas and the ending year as an opportunity to say thank you for successful cooperation, good business deals, a trust placed in you or for the purchase of your products or services.
The Christmas card can additionally be the occasion to express wishes and hopes for the new year. One wishes for a continued good and successful cooperation or hopes that the customer is always satisfied with the purchased products.
The salutation in a business Christmas card
In a Christmas greeting, nothing should be changed in the usual form of address; if you address a customer or business partner by their first name, then you should keep it that way in the Christmas card. If you are addressing someone as "you", you should also begin your Christmas greetings in the same way.
However, the person to be greeted should never be addressed alone, always include the employees, family or partner.
Dear Mr. Meier, we wish you and your family...
Dear Mrs. Bauer, to you and your husband all the best...
Dear Company-XY team, we wish you and your families...
Dear Mr. Kufner, dear team of the company-XY...
Hello Mr. Huber, the warmest Christmas greetings to you and your wife...
Dear Max, you and your wife wish...
Christmas greetings for customers and business partners
Texts for a Christmas card in a business relationship:
Quotes and Sayings for Christmas Greeting Card to Customers
and business partners
Time of sending the Christmas mail
When it comes to Christmas cards, be sure to take into account delays and the fast approaching holidays, because a late Christmas greeting is quite embarrassing. Therefore, send your corporate Christmas mail around seven to 10 days before the Christmas holidays, then your greetings should also arrive on time.
Business Christmas greetings by Poste or eMail
Even if the eMail has asserted itself in the business world, one should fall back with the Christmas post on a genuine letter, because with true business friends, business partners and customers one should leave a good impression at the end of the year.
With business relations, with which the contact is maintained only by email, one should renounce then however at least a mass email, where infinitely many mail addresses in the CC were taken up. Send your Christmas mail in any case with a personal address.
Examples of a formulated Christmas card
Christmas poems and sayings
In addition to Christmas greetings, you will also find Christmas poems and contemplative or funny Christmas sayings for Christmas cards.
Probably not suitable for companies and the business Weichnachtsgrüße, but we would still like to list them: SMS or Whatsapp sayings for Christmas..